
Accounting Major



The mission of the accounting program is to use personal instruction to develop accountants who have the skills to compete in a fast-changing professional environment.

Learning Outcomes 

  • Demonstrate a fundamental understanding of generally accepted accounting principles as related to the construction and analysis of financial statements.
  • Apply auditing and professional standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).
  • Utilize managerial accounting methods to make business decisions.
  • Interpret and apply the Internal Revenue tax code pertinent to individuals and businesses.
  • Explain and apply the key concepts of the business core of accounting, economics, marketing, business law and quantitative analysis.
  • Demonstrate technological proficiency.

Major Requirements

Required or elective hours taken for one Business Division major, concentration, or minor cannot be used to satisfy elective requirements in another Business Division major, concentration, or minor. 

Accounting Requirements

Business Core +
ACCT 301, ACCT 330, ACCT 335, ACCT 340, ACCT 345, ACCT 350, ACCT 360, ACCT 375, ACCT 430, BA292, BA302, BA322, BA324, BA335, CS120, CS355

Item #
Sub-Total Hours
Total Credits