Master of Arts

Community Counseling Master of Arts

Master of Arts in Community Counseling Mission

To prepare students with the theory and skills to counsel individuals, couples and families of diverse cultural backgrounds. The program seeks to produce future professional counselors who are exemplary members of society with a lifelong love of learning.

Learning Outcomes:

 Possess an understanding of developmental aspects of human growth and appreciation for the nature of human development and its integration within the counseling process.

  • Possess an awareness of, and an appreciation for, social and cultural influences on human behavior and to recognize the impact of individual differences on the counseling process.
  • Demonstrate effective individual and group counseling skills which facilitate client growth and demonstrate the ability to evaluate progress toward treatment goals.
  • Possess both theoretical and experiential understandings of group purpose, development, dynamics, counseling theories, group counseling methods and skills, and other group approaches.
  • Understand career development and related life factors and the effects on an individual's mental health and lifestyle and its application within counseling.
  • Possess knowledge and skills in assessment techniques and apply basic concepts to individual and group appraisal.
  • Demonstrate the ability to read, critique, evaluate, and contribute to professional research literature.
  • Understand the counseling profession, develop an identity as a counselor, and demonstrate a willingness to provide counseling services within the ethical guidelines of the counseling profession.
  • Integrate the knowledge and skills needed to be successful as practicing counselors.

Coursework Requirements for Master of Arts in Community Counseling (MA

COUN 501, COUN 502, COUN 503, COUN 504, COUN5 05, COUN 506, COUN 507, COUN 508, COUN 509, COUN 510, COUN 511, COUN 512, COUN 514, COUN 521, COUN 522
+ 3 credit hours of elective COUN courses

The 48-hour curriculum satisfies the educational requirements for licensure in Missouri. An additional 12 credit hours is available for students anticipating relocating to a state requiring a 60-hour program, or for students desiring a broader educational foundation.

Item #
Sub-Total Hours
Total Credits