
Mass Communication – Journalism Concentration Major

Mass Communication – Journalism Concentration Mission: 

To provide hands-on personal training in the field of Mass Communication, preparing students for positions in the world of work, with an emphasis in print for newspaper, web, and other publications.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate ability to identify common legal and ethical situations in media settings and incorporate a decision making process to resolve related questions.
  • Acquire and apply skills in news gathering, reporting, and news photography.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the history of the print industry and the terminology associated with the field.
  • Acquire experience in print media design and use of industry technology and equipment.
  • Gain hands-on experience by participating in publication management.

Journalism Concentration:

Mass Communication Core +
MASC 220, MASC 225, MASC 301, MASC 305, MASC 310, MASC 315, MASC 350 or MASC 355, MASC 370, MASC 403
+ 6 hours of MASC electives

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Sub-Total Hours
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