
English Major


The B.A. in English guides students to success by providing foundational education in literature, language, and writing that prepares the student for entry into graduate school or a professional position.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will describe the structure and development of the English language.
  • Students will analyze works by authors of diverse backgrounds.
  • Students will identify and differentiate major literary movements, including their cultural and historical contexts.
  • Students will create logical arguments, professional prose, and/or creative works.
  • Students will create researched analysis of literary work using discipline-related terms and methods of critical analysis.

Major assessment: Senior English Majors will refine one of the following, which was started in earlier English coursework: a scholarly paper that examines a topic in American, English or world literature; a collection of original short stories; a collection of original poems; or a novella.  The drafts will be refined in conjunction with ENGL 485, Senior Thesis. Majors must also take the ETS (Educational Testing Service) English examination and are responsible for scheduling, taking, and paying for the exam. English Secondary Education Certification candidates should refer to the Teacher Education Handbook for other major assessment requirements.

English Major – Literary Studies Concentration requirements

English core, +15 hours from ENGL 310, ENGL 375, ENGL 377, ENGL 378, ENGL 380, ENGL 431


ENGL 130 and 160 do not apply toward the English major; however, all English majors must achieve a grade of "C" or better in these courses. ALL COURSES 200 OR ABOVE REQUIRE ENGL 160 AS A PREREQUISITE.

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English Major – Writing Studies Concentration requirements:

English core, +15 hours from ENGL 250, ENGL 305, ENGL 326, ENGL 327, ENGL 400, MASC 370, COMM 415, THEA 270

ENGL 130 and 160 do not apply toward the English major; however, all English majors must achieve a grade of "C" or better in these courses. ALL COURSES 200 OR ABOVE REQUIRE EN 160 AS A PREREQUISITE.

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