
Psychology Major


Psychology Mission

The Psychology program at Missouri Valley College encourages students to develop an understanding of the complexities regarding human behavior while studying how to facilitate change.  Psychology is the scientific study of theories, tools, and methods used to describe, explain, predict, and/or influence behavior and mental processes.  The Psychology program strives to balance theoretical and practical dimensions by providing the opportunity for more specialized experiences through classroom instruction, research, independent studies, and internships. The Psychology program promotes basic understanding of human principles, not only to psychology majors, but also to the general student population at Missouri Valley College.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate familiarity with major concepts and theoretical perspectives in psychology, specifically related to the foundational topic areas including development, personality, history, abnormal, and research and experimental psychology.
  • Engage in application of the scientific approach in designing, executing, and interpreting findings from an original research study.
  • Analyze and integrate research literature in writing APA-formatted papers.
  • Identify and apply the psychological values of sociocultural diversity, ethical behavior, and tolerance of ambiguity in personal and social issues.
  • Show insight into one's own and others' behavior and mental processes and apply effective strategies for self-management and self-improvement.
  • Gain knowledge and skills facilitating excellence in careers and graduate/professional study.

Major assessment: Psychology students are required to satisfactorily complete PY 485 (Senior Seminar) that includes an original research paper exploring a psychological concept.  Psychology majors also take a set on in-house exams. 

Major Requirements

PSYC 100, PSYC 215, PSYC 220, PSYC 230, PSYC 250, PSYC 310, PSYC 345, PSYC 485, MATH 200, SOCL 316
+ 21 credit hours of PY electives, 12 credit hours must be upper-division
+ 6 credit hours may be selected from CRMJ 330, CRMJ 380, CRMJ 385, SOCL 232, SOCL 375

Item #
Sub-Total Hours
Total Credits