
Business Administration


Business Administration  Mission: 

The Administration major in the Division of Business at Missouri Valley College aspires to support the mission of the College by initiating and promoting intellectual inquiry and understanding of the canons and mores of the management disciplines through personal instruction.

Learning Outcomes:

  • The student will demonstrate the processes of management: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling.
  • The student will be able to manage the organizational process by which strategies are formed and executed.
  • The student will recognize effective management and make contributions to promote effective operation of an organizational unit as an employee.
  • The student will define and apply organizational concepts and theories.
  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of the elements of organizational culture.
  • The student will demonstrate proficiency in the use of decision models such as linear programming, statistical analytical techniques, network analysis, and queuing theory.
  • The student will develop communication strategies for dealing with various oral and written business communication situations.
  • The student will craft business strategy, reasoning carefully about strategic options, using what-if analysis to evaluate action alternatives, and making strategic decisions.
  • The student will demonstrate knowledge of the elements of a legal contract, commercial litigation, and the Uniform Commercial Code.
  • The student will demonstrate proficiency in the business core of accounting, economics, finance, business law, marketing, and quantitative analysis.

Business Administration requirements

Business core +
BNSS 292, BNSS 302, BNSS 312, BNSS 322, BNSS 324, BNSS 382, BNSS 412 OR ENGL 327, BNSS 422, BNSS 432, BNSS 442, ECON 375, MATH 185

Item #
Sub-Total Hours
Total Credits