
Education Majors



The department offers baccalaureate degrees in:

  • Art Education K-12
  • Early Childhood Education Birth-3
  • Elementary Education 1-6
  • Middle School Education 5-9
  • Mild Moderate Cross Categorical Special Education K-12
  • Physical Education K-12
  • Social Studies Education 9-12
  • Educational Studies (non-certified degree)
  • Speech / Theatre 9-12
  • Biology Education 9-12

The department offers an Associate of Arts degree in:

  • Early Childhood Studies

The department also offers add-on certifications in:

  • Early Childhood Special Education PK-3
  • English 9-12
  • Health K-12 (see Physical Education note)
  • Mathematics 9-12

Major assessment:  All Education majors must pass the M.C.A. Content Knowledge exam specific to their area of certification.

Early Childhood Education Mission:

The particular mission of the Early Childhood Education major within the Missouri Valley College Division of Education is to provide educational and field experience opportunities designed to prepare students for successful careers in Early Childhood Education.

Learning Outcomes

  • To prepare students to become members of a responsible citizenry through liberal learning, critical thinking, and academic excellence. 
  • To promote a holistic, liberal arts perspective toward education that develops students in relationship to other persons, to other disciplines, to other cultures, to their religious/ethical systems, and to self.
  • To provide a baccalaureate education that prepares students for careers in education and teaching.
  • To instill the values of  education as a lifelong process of discovery, enlightenment, and reflection.
  • To provide students with meaningful field experiences that will prepare them for careers in education and teaching.
  • To offer appropriate advising, counseling, and strategies that will assist students in meeting prerequisites for entry-level employment in the education field and/or entry into graduate or professional programs.
  • To prepare students to pass the Missouri Content Assessment (MCA) examination and obtain state credentials in the subject-specific areas offered by Missouri Valley College.
  • To promote professionalism through student membership in Student-Missouri State Teachers Association (S-MSTA) and attendance at conferences and training provided by the college.  

Elementary Education Mission

The particular mission of the Elementary Education major within the Missouri Valley College Division of Education is to provide educational and field experience opportunities designed to prepare students for successful careers in Elementary Education instruction at the grade levels 1-6.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To prepare students to become members of a responsible citizenry through liberal learning, critical thinking, and academic excellence. 
  • To promote a holistic, liberal arts perspective toward education that develops students in relationship to other persons, to other disciplines, to other cultures, to their religious/ethical systems, and to self. 
  • To provide a baccalaureate education that prepares students for careers in education and teaching.
  • To instill the values of  education as a lifelong process of discovery, enlightenment, and reflection.
  • To provide students with meaningful field experiences that will prepare them for careers in education and teaching.
  • To offer appropriate advising, counseling, and strategies that will assist students in meeting prerequisites for entry-level employment in the education field and/or entry into graduate or professional programs.
  • To prepare students to pass the Missouri Content Assessment (MCA) examination and obtain state credentials in the subject-specific areas offered by Missouri Valley College.
  • To promote professionalism through student membership in Student-Missouri State Teachers Association (S-MSTA) and attendance at conferences and trainings provided by the college. 

Middle School Education Mission

The particular mission of the Middle School Education major within the Missouri Valley College Division of Education is to provide educational and field experience opportunities designed to prepare students for successful careers in middle level teaching (grades 5-9) in the subject areas of agricultural education, mathematics, science, social studies, and language arts.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate proficient content knowledge in the area in which they are prepared to teach: mathematics, social studies, communication arts, or science.
  • Utilize professional knowledge and skills (including technology) required to instruct, assess, and manage a middle grade level classroom (5-9), based upon current best practices of teaching and critique own professional practices based upon student engagement and achievement.
  • Integrate the teaching of reading and writing across (or within) the middle school curriculum with appropriate strategies and best practices.
  • Apply DESE Missouri Teacher Standards during coursework and field experiences.

Physical Education Mission: 

The particular mission of the Physical Education major within the Missouri Valley College Division of Education is to provide educational and field experience opportunities designed to prepare students for successful careers in Physical Education instruction at the K-12 levels of teaching.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand principles of motor development and efficient human movement.
  • Understand movement concepts and fundamental movement skills.
  • Understand principles, activities, and techniques for body management, rhythmic movement, and creative expression and dance skills.
  • Understand principles, skills, and techniques for individual, dual, and team sports. 
  • Understand principles, skills, and techniques for outdoor pursuits, recreational activities, and cooperative group games and challenges.
  • Understand basic concepts of anatomy and physiology, major components of personal wellness and fitness, and significant factors that influence wellness and fitness, including diverse cultural, economic, and geographic contexts. 
  • Understand principles and activities for promoting cardiorespiratory fitness. 
  • Understand principles and activities for promoting muscular strength and endurance and muscular and joint flexibility.
  • Understand strategies and activities for promoting healthy levels of body composition and the skills needed to develop personal health and physical activity plans.

Social Studies Mission: 

The particular mission of the Social Studies Education major within the Missouri Valley College Division of Education is to provide educational and field experience opportunities designed to prepare students for successful careers in Social Studies Education instruction at the 9-12 level.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To provide a baccalaureate education that prepares students for careers in Social Studies Education instruction at the 9-12 level.
  • To provide students with meaningful field experiences that will prepare them for careers in education and teaching, and to promote professionalism through membership and activities provided by the Missouri Valley College chapter of S-MSTA (Student-Missouri State Teachers Association).
  • To offer appropriate advising, counseling, and strategies that will assist students in meeting prerequisites for entry-level employment in the education field and/or entry into graduate or professional programs.
  • To prepare students to pass the Missouri Educator Gateway Assessments (Missouri Certification Fields and Content Assessments) examination and obtain state credentialing in the content area of Social Studies Education.
  • To prepare students to become members of a responsible citizenry through liberal learning, critical thinking, and academic excellence.
  • To promote a holistic, liberal arts perspective toward education that develops students in relationship to other persons, to other disciplines, to other cultures, to their religious/ethical systems and, therefore, to themselves.

Admission Requirements for Education majors:

Students become candidates for admission to the teacher education program by the Education Division faculty based upon satisfying the following minimum admissions requirements:  

  1. 30 hours of credit
  2. Passing scores on all sections of MoGEA
  3. M.V.C. cumulative grade point average of 3.00, content area GPA of 3.0, Education coursework GPA of 3.0 and a minimum ACT score of 20 M.V.C. 
  4. “C” or better in EN 160, SP 100, and ED 100 
  5. Completed application submitted to the Education office by March 15 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester
  6. Submission of a writing sample; and completion of remediation program if necessary
  7. Proof of current CPR certification.

Students are admitted to the teacher education program upon meeting the prior requirements and meeting the standards for admission to the student teaching experience.  See the teacher education handbook for specific information.  Additionally, due to changes in state and federal regulations, students should consult with the administration of the Education Division for the most current information regarding training standards.

Accreditation and Certification

Missouri Valley College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, a regional accreditation agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. The teacher education programs are approved by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. The College degree or diploma does not serve as a license to teach.  Each state issues its own teaching certificates, based on its own requirements.  Upon successful completion of a teacher education program and passing the Missouri Content Assessment (M.C.A.) examination and a MO DESE required exit assessment, each student must submit a formal application for teacher certification in the State of Missouri.  The student who wishes certification in another state should seek advice from that state's education agency concerning specific requirements.

2 courses from

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Sub-Total Hours


Major requirements for Early Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 3) include

Note:  ED 330, ED 331, ED 340, ED 307 and ED 350 must be taken at the same time.

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Sub-Total Hours


Major requirements Associate of Arts Degree in Early Childhood Studies

Students must successfully complete the General Education Core requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree 

Plus the following 14 credit hours

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Sub-Total Hours

Plus area of certification


Major requirements for Physical Education K-12


4 courses from:  PE 101 - PE 145.

Note:  Health certification can be added by taking PE 340.

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Sub-Total Hours


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Sub-Total Hours

EDUCATIONAL STUDIES (Non-Certified degree)

Major requirements for Educational Studies (non-certificated education major):

and completion of an approved series of courses within a designated content area to total a minimum of 33 hours.  The Education Division will approve the series of courses within the designated content area.

Item #
Sub-Total Hours
Total Credits